On this page you can buy True Earth e-books.

The tutorials cart is separate from the products cart.

In questa pagina puoi acquistare gli e-book True Earth.

Il carrello dei tutorials è separato da quello dei prodotti.

HMS Renown -  Weathering Ships

QF-4 Phantom II - Heavy Wear Aircrafts

Scraping & Wear - LOCO WR360

Worn Out Winter Camo - Pz.IVg

Figure Painting Pt.2 - the Fresh Fusion Style

Figure Painting pt.1  - the Basics + Swift Style

Submarines Weathering - U2321 type XXIII

Average Weathering for Aircrafts - Bac Lightning

Worn out / abandoned vehicles - DUKW

Steel & Rust - Hetzer Praga

The Color Build Up Technique - BTR 60

WW1 Aircrafts - SSW D.III - Wood, Metal, Fabric

Dealing w/Camouflages - M901A1atv